Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND)
Program Mission
The mission of the Combined Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Education and Master of Science in Integrated Nutrition and Dietetics of the College of Education, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico is to form high-quality entry-level registered dietitians/nutritionists, that are able to meet the needs of today’s heterogeneous and multicultural society, by providing excellence in academic development and practicum activities that promote the integral health and wellbeing of individuals.
This mission will be achieved through an interdisciplinary, dynamic and creative program, based on the evidence base in scientific, methodological, technical and Christian principles, that values the dignity of each human being and that promotes the development of competitive and innovative prevention and treatment programs that meet the needs of the Puerto Rican, Caribbean and global population.

Contactos / Contacts
Colegio de Educación / College of Education
Prof. María M Sierra Ayala, Director
maria_sierra@pucpr.eduLcda. Vivian E. Rodríguez Mori, Program Director
vivian_rodriguez@pucpr.eduSra. Linda I. Padilla González, Administrative Assistant
lpadilla@pucpr.eduSra. Wanda E. Rodríguez González, Administrative Assistant
wrodz@pucpr.eduEdificio Salvador Perea, Office 130
(787) 841-2000 ext. 1735 / 1736 / 1720
Fax. (787) 651-2016