Facultad de Química


Dr. Luis Álamo Nole

Courses: General Chemistry I and II, Biological Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Introduction of Instrumental Analysis, Special Topics in Environmental Analysis, Special Topics in Instrumental Analysis, Chemistry of Natural Products, Undergraduate and Graduate Research.

Research Interests: Our work concentrates on environmental and instrumental analysis. We synthesized nanomaterials and evaluated their optical applications and environmental implications. We also use nanomaterials, plants, recycled materials, and natural materials to remove contaminants from the environment.

Google scholars: https://scholar.google.com.pr/citations?user=HIp6ZIEAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luis-Alamo-Nole


Arroyo Cabán Mónica

Dr. Mónica Marie Arroyo

Courses: Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Basic Food and Nutrition Processes, Enzymology

Research Interests: I have a standing collaboration with the Cancer Research Centre in Salamanca, Spain, doing graduate and post-graduate computational research that combines drugs (medicinal chemistry), cancer, statistical analysis, and programming. Our research interests include identifying potential protein targets of drugs without known molecular targets; identifying new targets of approved drugs; using drug repositioning to identify new therapeutic uses for approved drugs; determining protein targets that induce drug resistance; and exploring drug-target associations that may be relevant to diseases other than cancer.

Keywords: structural oncopharmacogenomics, drug discovery/repositioning.

Dr. Adalgisa Batista Parra

Dr. Adalgisa Batista Parra

Courses: Organic Chemistry I, II, III and Organic Chemistry Laboratories, Advance Organic Chemistry, Natural Products, Undergraduate and Graduate Research

Research Interests:  Synthesis, isolation and characterization of organic electroactive compounds.

Javier Carrasquillo

Prof. Javier Carrasquillo Salib

Courses: Organic Chemistry I, II,  and Organic Chemistry Laboratories, General Chemistry I and II and Biological Chemistry

Research Interests: Our work focuses on “Advanced Oxidation Processes, AOP” for photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical contaminants such as carbamazepine from water sources using nanostructured ZnO synthetized by microwave irradiation.  In addition, Indium/Copper-ZnO nanocomposites are of interest for increased mineralization of these contaminants. Techniques such as X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), HR-TEM, SEM, EDS, and Raman are used for characterization purposes.

Dr. Carmen S. Collazo

Dr. Carmen S. Collazo

Courses: General Chemistry I and II , Biological Chemistry, Polymers  

Interests: Education in Chemistry, specifically the learning of general chemistry concepts using different modes of representation, the art of proposal writing and the study of polymers

Díaz Casas Adalberto

Dr. Adalberto Díaz Casas

Courses: General Chemistry, Biochemistry, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Undergraduate and Graduate Research

Research Interests: My long-term research interest is to carry out biophysical and structural analyses of the splicing factor Prp40 and its interaction with proteins involved in genetic disorders. Methods and techniques used in my research laboratory for biophysical and structural studies of Prp40 and its complexes included expression and purification of proteins, bioinformatics, X-ray crystallography, and fluorescence spectroscopy. These studies will be important to characterize the binding between Prp40 and its targets and, consequently, to identify residues that are critical for the interaction. 

Prof. José R. López Vázquez

Prof. José R. López Vázquez

Courses: Organic Chemistry I & II,  Organic Chemistry Laboratories I & II, General Chemistry I & II and Biological Chemistry

Interests: Special topics in Organic, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

Dr. José A. Pérez Meléndez

Dr. José A. Pérez Meléndez

Courses: General Chemistry I and II, Biological Chemistry and Organic Chemistry

Research Interests: Special Topics in Chemical Education, Assessment and Institutional Accreditations. Soon we will be working on research proposals in the areas of algae and metals and topics related to either drugs or the environment.

Additional information: For 20 years we have worked in the area of ​​Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Control (QC) in PR, in the pharmaceutical industry. Worked in research and development (R&D) in Pearl River NY in the area of ​​instrumentation for antidepressants (2005 -2008) for seasons.  Since 2003 we have collaborated as a part-time professor until 2019, when we are full-time as a professor in PUCPR. Currently we hold the position of Representative of the Academy of the Southwest Area of ​​PR in the governing board of the College of Chemists of PR (CQPR).

Dr. Myriam Quintana Alsina

Dr. Myriam Quintana Alsina

Courses: General Chemistry I and II regular and honor courses, Physical Science.

Interests: Special Topics in Chemical Education, Application of technology in the classroom, Universal Design for Learning and Community Service.  I am currently the Cofounder and President of the Board of Directors of the Non-Profit Organization, Tiberiades Inc.

Dr. José Rivera Pagán

Dr. José Rivera Pagán

Courses: General Chemistry I and II, Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry laboratories, Quantum Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Statistical Thermodynamics and Theory of Analytical Chemistry.

Interests: Special topics in Physical Chemistry such as electrochemistry, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, photochemistry and photophysics.

Dr. Margarita Rodríguez López

Dr. Margarita Rodríguez López

Courses: Analytical Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Fundamentals of Electrochemistry, General Chemistry, Undergraduate and Graduate Research.

Research Interests: A long-term interest in our research is the study of the electrochemical reactivity of bioactive-organic molecules and to understand the role played by electrode surface composition and structure in determining and controlling their electrochemical reactivity. Emphasis to date has been on adsorption, desorption and electron-transfer of aromatic compounds chemisorbed at well-defined metal surfaces, preferentially oriented nanoparticles and single-crystal surfaces. In depth understanding of their electrochemical behavior upon chemisorption, will lead to improvements in their utilization for advanced sensing technologies, and new supporting structures for molecular recognitions in electrochemical biosensors.

Keywords: Electrochemical Surface Science, Single crystal metal Electrodes.

Dr. Wilda Vargas Gregory

Dr. Wilda Vargas Gregory

Courses: General Chemistry I and II , Biological Chemistry, Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry and Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Undergraduate and Graduate Research

Research Interests: Our projects are associated to inorganic chemistry, specifically to develop organometallic chemistry associated to catalysis, precursors to electronically interesting materials, medical applications, biosensors, etc. Most recently, we have been exploring mechanochemical techniques towards the development of greener methods of ligand and organometallic compound synthesis. We are interested in producing relatively large nitrogen bearing compounds including amines and heterocycles with the capacity of bonding to a central metal atom by several atoms, resulting in the stabilization of cations by the formation of chelates.

Prof. Carmen L. Velázquez Almodóvar

Prof. Carmen L. Velázquez Almodóvar

Courses: Specialist in Honor Courses General Chemistry I and II, Regular General Chemistry I and II 

Interests: Special Topics in Chemical Education, Assessment and Institutional Accreditations. Secretary of the Board of “Centro de Deambulantes Cristo Pobre”, Inc.